Did You Miss Ride to Work Day?

Posted by Lisa DiFalco on

Ride to Work Diagnostica

Motorcyclists and scooter riders are urged to commute to work on their favorite ride on the 28th annual International Motorcycle and Scooter Ride to Work Day. If you missed this annual event slated for June 17th, consider taking part next year as a form of solidarity and to bring more awareness to this form of transportation. What should you know about this important event endorsed by the American Motorcyclist Association?

Purpose of Ride to Work Day

Since the first Ride to Work Day, this worldwide event brings attention to the benefits of motorcycles and is used to highlight issues impacting the motorcycle riding community. Common issues that affect riders include parking restrictions, motorcyclist profiling, unsafe fuels and distracted drivers. AMA president and CEO, Rob Dingman, shared in a recent press release that:

“Ride to Work Day helps call attention to our way of life and gives us a chance to share our enthusiasm with those who don’t ride. Commuting to work, especially on a designated day of rider unity, highlights the positive aspects of motorcycling and the motorcycle lifestyle.”

The aim of the day is not necessarily about encouraging others to adopt this type of transportation, but to increase the understanding for individuals who do ride motorcycles and give them support and encouragement.

Those who may not have been a part of this year’s Ride to Work Day may want to make note that this event is scheduled for the third Monday in June every year. Mark the calendar for next year and make your commute on two wheels.

Find Out More

Additional details about this event and podcasts from previous years can be found on www.ridetowork.org. Check out the useful resources about free motorcycle parking in places like Chicago and Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Click their link to the CurbNinja app for iOS and Android to find parking in a specific location. From making roads safer for motorcyclists to lane sharing, motorcylists new and old can benefit from the Resources for Advocates section on the site.

Have you recently taken part in this year’s Ride to Work Day? Share your experience in the comments below or tweet @DiagnosticaNews.


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Image Credits

Image of New York Street: Photo by Brodie Vissers from Burst

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