How to Ride Safe During Fall: Common Road Hazards

Posted by Lisa DiFalco on

How to Ride Safe During Fall: Common Road Hazards Diagnostica

Harley riders don’t have to put their bikes away just yet. However, it continues to be important to pay close attention to road and environmental conditions. With fewer hours of daylight, it can be harder to respond quickly when it counts the most.

Understand more about the types of road hazards that can be encountered when out on the road this season.


Can Cold Weather Affect Your Bike?

What part of your bike comes into contact with the asphalt over and over again? It’s your tires. Checking that you have enough tire tread left can give you more surface area to grip the road surface and disperse potential pools of water, such as after a rainstorm. In addition, before heading out, make sure tires are not under- or over-inflated. A spell of cold weather can change the pressure of tires and proper inflation. 


What About Road Conditions?

Some road projects have not yet been completed. Rough and bumpy roads, such as when roads are being repaved or when there have been patch jobs, can make for uneven surfaces. Motorcyclists need to be ever vigilant. This may be easier for those who can clearly see the road ahead and harder for those taking winding roads, requiring cornering.

Slick surfaces and debris can also be an issue. Taking a nice long ride when foliage is at their peak may seem like a great idea. However, leaves on a road can pose a hazard for your bike. Other potential problems include:

  • Crosswalk lines;
  • Anti-freeze or oil; and
  • Painted surfaces.

If it looks like rain is in the forecast, know that it is best to avoid riding during their first 30 minutes of a rainstorm.


How About Debris?

Rocks, sticks and branches are common objects that can easily pose a hazard. A danger during summer months, it can be harder to see them when they lay under a few leaves or in the early evening. Items that have fallen from trucks, boxes and remnants of tire treads can also be a problem.


Keep Riding Responsibly

There’s no reason not to ride during this season. However, it pays to remain proactive and know the factors that can alter your riding experience and potentially increase your risk of injury. Stay on top of your bike’s condition with your plug-and-play diagnostic tool and ride safe every day.

How are your tips for staying vigilant while riding? Comment below, email or tweet @DiagnosticaNews.


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